Grooming of the kittens and cats

  1. Start grooming your kitten early: Grooming your cat should begin when your cat is a kitten. Kittens are accustomed to being gently rubbed by their mothers, making them more accepting of human handling and grooming. To teach your cat to enjoy brushing, remember to be gentle and offer positive attention. Grooming an older cat is doable, but it may be more difficult if they aren ’t used to being touched or receiving a lot of attention. If your cat isn ’t used to grooming, start carefully and gradually introduce new tools, products, and procedures.
  2. Playtime before Bath: Cats despise water in general, especially baths. While cats are normally competent at grooming themselves and don ’t require regular bathing, they may get themselves into difficulty when they play out and get dirty with some sticky stuff and require a good scrub. The trick to accomplishing this with the least amount of bother is to exhaust your cat beforehand. Get your cat ’s favourite toy out and play with it before bath time. They ’ll be exhausted after a play session, so they won ’t be able to resist the bathtub. If you want to be safe, trim your cat ’s claws before bath time.
  3. After rinsing your cat ’s back and neck with lukewarm water, clean their fur with cat shampoo. Cat shampoos are gentler on your cat ’s skin than human shampoos, making them excellent for sensitive skin. From head to tail, apply the shampoo in the same direction as your cat ’s fur grows. Make sure not to get it in their eyes, and give them a vigorous rinse once they ’re clean to ensure no soap residue remains. Use a wet washcloth without soap to clean around their face.
  4. Brushing the cat every week: Brushing your cat ’s fur will keep it healthy and lustrous. For optimal skin and fur health, brush once or twice a week to eliminate dirt and dead skin. When you have a Long-haired feline increase brushing the cat at least 3 times a week. Brushing regularly can also help prevent hairballs by removing extra hair.
  5. Cleaning ears: Cleaning your cat ’s ears should be included in your grooming routine, especially since cats are unable to clean these areas on their own. Wipe away any debris or accumulation on the underside of the ear with a cotton ball or pad soaked in a vet-recommended ear cleanser. When cleaning, avoid probing or applying pressure to the ear canal, as it is particularly sensitive to any probes or pressure. If you detect small black grounds in your cat ’s ear, this could be an indication of ear mites, and you should consult a veterinarian.
  6. Nail Clipping: Once your cat is ready to have its real nails clipped, move slowly and clip one or two nails at a time. Moving too quickly can result in accidentally hurting your pet, which will make them wary of the clippers. Doing only a few nails in a sitting helps ease them into the process. Avoid the sensitive pink base of the nail at all costs, and stick to trimming just the sharp tip of your cat’s claws. If your cat is still not sure after following nail-clipping recommendations, ask a friend for assistance. It will be easier for the other person to clip the cat ’s nails if one person holds the cat. If you ’re still having trouble clipping them safely, get professional assistance. Most veterinarians and groomers will trim them for you, as well as provide other cat grooming services.
  7. Brushing teeth of your cat: It is necessary to keep your cat ’s teeth clean to maintain good dental and gum health, but this is easier said than done. Slowly introduce your cat to the concept of teeth brushing by putting a small bit of cat toothpaste in their mouth and then massaging their gums with a cotton swab. This will help them get used to the taste and feel of brushing, preparing them for the real thing. Rather than using a human toothbrush that is too large for your cat ’s mouth, buy a cat-specific toothbrush. Apply a small amount of cat toothpaste to it and get to work, brushing gently. You can also buy cat toothbrushes that fit on your finger and are soft enough to use on their gums if you like.
  1. Ticks and Fleas in cats: The two most prevalent external parasites that cling onto cats are fleas and ticks. Feel their skin for any unusual bumps that could be ticks lodged on the skin. If you locate one, grab its head with clean tweezers and pull upwards, then clean the region of your cat ’s skin. Fleas, on the other hand, are easily identified by their flea filth, which is the black flecks they leave on the skin. If you suspect you have fleas, consult your veterinarian, who will prescribe a flea treatment such as a shampoo or spray.